Dancer’s Group Article about Metamorphosis: Phase 1


During my 16 years as an undocumented artist, I was deeply disconnected from my body and from society at large. The heavy impact of my status affected my entire existence. I lived in silence, underground, and saw no chance to reclaim my being. I didn’t realize that my physical being was holding deep fear and that trauma and illness had ravaged my once healthy body. Unsurprisingly, I became very sick.

A sheer will to live took me through recovery. My whole being ached for movement, fulfillment, and freedom. I began to imagine a vision that would take me out of isolation and into empowerment for myself, my community, and my culture. Within that context, Metamorphosis: Phase 1 came into being.

Article Link


Presentation for Zendesk


Metamorphosis Excerpt @ Y-Exchange